✖ What's the time now ✖

Saturday, October 15, 2011

wii~~ :)

wii wang wang~~ i used to be a strong and happy girl nowadays... ahha donno why? :O fast fast!! left two more subjects to go and it's gonna end the exam!!! wohoo~!

tetapi hor... my smile has dissapeared as long as i saw the things you post. what you mean huh? i need to live under your control isit? i need to listen all of your instruction to the right of life isit? you thought you're the king of malaysia?! eff. you're misunderstanding on everything. but you just like to put one hand or leg in this situation. who tell you that you're havin' this qualification? oh ya! forgotten that you're a king.brainless...huuuuhh...~~

just calm myself in a really cool situation and tell myself. yes, you're really did something bad. but what for im angrying with you? no matter you're right or wrong / what people told me about you / it's a fact or joke... i'll still take you as a friend. although we may not meet everyday... know who am i talking about huh~!

有些人講話就是沒經過大腦 還是腦殘 腦袋秀逗吼? 隨便拉 反正你就是奇怪 奇怪到不可理喻 但你都不知道科技的發達嗎 人算不如天算啊 你就是做是不夠謹慎 才會百密一疏 自己懂自己干了什麽是拉 我不再計較 因爲你不值得

給自己一個微笑 =)

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