✖ What's the time now ✖

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

oh damn! ^.^

1st!!! an announcement here!! just the thing i wrote before. still rmb what? that most nervous event i've attended. the results post on the board today~!!! hooray, we got in to the final round successfully!!!! seems like other societies celebrate happily. but why i don even have any feeling? huh...hmm...wondering!! maybe everyone thought and predicted that we're bad and wont get in to the final round. so just, congrats to all my partners lah.. :)

2nd!!! foolish day for me today! sucks life nowadays -.- i donno who am i to you? brother? sister? friends? or just a stranger? ah~!! everytime i said i wanna give up but everytime i lose myself. oh fcuk! what am i doing? you said you dislike i rude, i try chg my attitude. but you're the one who always made me feel liked ' oh damn shit! '....

just SORRY lah... donno why? just feel like wanna apologize to someone but donno who.

stupid girl jotted.

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